Influence of implant neck and abutment characteristics on peri-implant tissue health and stability. Oral reconstruction foundation consensus report
Clinical Oral Implants Research May 18, 2019
Schwarz F, et al. - In this consensus meeting, researchers evaluated the influence of implant neck and abutment characteristics on peri-implant tissue health and stability. According to results, the changes in marginal bone levels (MBLs) were not affected by the abutment material and were similar after one year of loading at one- and two-piece implants as well. Compared to machined collar implants, rough collar implants improved MBLs. There was no beneficial clinical effect on MBLs with additional collar modifications. In comparison with zirconia abutments, titanium abutments were associated with significantly higher bleeding increases on probing. Overall, the authors concluded that MBLs are primarily influenced by the implant neck's microstructure (ie, rough surface). During the consensus meeting, statements of consensus and specific recommendations for future research were developed.
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