Inflammatory biomarkers do not distinguish between patients with sciatica and referred leg pain within a primary care population: Results from a nested study within the ATLAS cohort
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 19, 2019
Hider SL, et al. - Patients sustaining low back-related leg pain involving sciatica were investigated by the authors for serum biomarkers. This cohort study (ATLAS) included participants more than 18 years of age who were experiencing low back-related leg pain. Standardized clinical assessments, lumbar spine MRI and subsamples were taken for analyzing the biomarkers. No significant difference was evident in serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6 or any other biomarker in patients with both sciatica and low back-related leg pain. The authors concluded that serum biomarkers were almost similar for both kinds of patients, namely with and without clinically confirmed sciatica and those with and without evident nerve root compression on MRI.
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