Infection control in teeth with apical periodontitis using a triple antibiotic solution or calcium hydroxide with chlorhexidine: A randomized clinical trial
Journal of Endodontics Aug 29, 2018
Arruda MEF, et al. - In infected canals of teeth with primary apical periodontitis, experts compared the antibacterial efficacy of treatment protocols using either a triple antibiotic solution (1 mg/mL) or calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste as interappointment medication. Root canal disinfection was significantly improved with the interappointment medication with a triple antibiotic solution at the concentration of 1 mg/mL, and there was at least comparability between its impacts and the calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste. For conventional nonsurgical endodontic treatment and possibly regenerative endodontic procedures, antibiotic solution was seen to be an appropriate medicament as part of a disinfecting protocol due to the efficacy and easy delivery.
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