Individuals with mild-to-moderate hip osteoarthritis have lower limb muscle strength and volume deficits
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Aug 27, 2018
Loureiro A, et al. - Researchers compared the hip and knee muscle strength and volumes between individuals with mild-to-moderate symptomatic and radiographic hip osteoarthritis (OA) and a healthy control group. A feature of individuals with mild-to-moderate hip OA was atrophic, bilateral hip and knee muscle weakness. Significantly lower knee flexor, knee extensor, hip flexor, hip extensor and hip abductor strength were demonstrated by the participants in the hip OA group vs controls. A significantly lower volume of the adductor, hamstring and quadriceps groups, and gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus muscles, but not tensor fasciae latae or gluteus medius muscles were seen in these participants.
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