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Increased risk of respiratory diseases in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice May 31, 2018

George C, et al. - Study authors attempted to investigate the relationship of self-reported diabetes with self-reported respiratory diseases (RDs) among fifty-three thousand, one hundred forty-six adults from the perfluorooctonaoic acid (C8) Health Project. For the purpose of this analysis, members were categorized into 3 groups: Type 1 (T1D, n=781), Type 2 (T2D, n=4,277), or no diabetes (n=48,088). Results revealed that RDs were present in 26%, 21% and 13% of persons with T1D, T2D, and no diabetes, respectively. It was observed in the findings that diabetes, more so in T1D, seems to increase RD risk. The discoveries demonstrated that smoking was an important risk factor, although not as informative in Type 1 diabetes.
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