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Increased risk of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in hemodialysis: A nationwide study

Hemodialysis International Feb 24, 2019

Chaudry MS, et al. - Researchers used data from 9,997 patients with end-stage kidney disease in the Danish National Registry on Regular Dialysis and Transplantation to determine the incidence and risk factors for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) based on hemodialysis access type. Study participants were followed until death, first episode of SAB, or end of study (December 31, 2011). Overall 6,826 patients received hemodialysis and 2,882 received peritoneal dialysis as initial modality of renal replacement therapy. In addition, 289 patients had preemptive kidney transplantation. The occurrence of SAB was reported in 1,278 patients. A high incidence of SAB was observed among patients on hemodialysis, specifically among those undergoing hemodialysis via central venous catheter (CVC). For cuffed and uncuffed CVC, a comparable SAB risk was observed. The factors that were independently related to SAB included diabetes mellitus, male sex, and the first 3 months in renal replacement therapy.

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