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Increased risk of deep vein thrombosis in end-stage renal disease patients

BMC Nephrology Aug 22, 2018

Lu HY, et al. - Researchers determined the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in Asian end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients vs non-ESRD patients and identified the associated risk factors, using the National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. A total of 3564 ESRD patients were included. Excluded subjects were patients with previous DVT and patients with incomplete records. Patients from the same dataset, without ESRD, were selected as controls by matching study subjects according to age (±3 years), gender, and the year of admission at a 2:1 ratio. A higher risk of DVT was detected in ESRD patients vs non-ESRD patients. Chances of having DVT were substantially more in ESRD patients with three or more comorbidities. The DVT risk among the ESRD patients was increased by being older than 50 years and having dyslipidemia.
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