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Increased risk of brain metastases in ovarian cancer patients with BRCA mutations

Gynecologic Oncology Mar 19, 2019

Ratner E, et al. - A total of 4,515 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer were analyzed to study the risk of brain metastasis in ovarian cancer cases with BRCA mutations. They observed that 10% of these patients had a known BRCA mutation, with 37% having BRCA wildtype (BRCAwt), and the remaining 51% having unknown/untested BRCA status. They noted brain metastases in 3% of candidates with BRCA mutations vs 0.6% of those with BRCAwt. They recorded the proportion of patients with brain metastases within 5 years of diagnosis was 5.7% in the population with BRCA mutations vs 1.4% in those with BRCAwt. In patients with ovarian cancer, an increase in brain metastases may result from the availability of new therapeutic options that may prolong overall survival and may not cross the blood–brain barrier. Those with a BRCA mutation had a significantly greater risk for brain metastases vs those without.

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