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Increased patellar fractures rate in TKA with pre-operative varus greater than 15°: A case-control study

Journal of Arthroplasty Aug 11, 2018

Mouton JM, et al. - Researchers investigated if severe genu varum (>15°) would increase the rate of patellar complications in (Total Knee Arthroplasty). In this prospective cohort of 4216 prostheses performed at a single center beginning in 1987, they compared 280 prostheses having pre-operative varus greater than 15° with 673 TKA with a pre-operative Hip Knee Ankle (HKA) angle of 180 +/- 2°. TKA in severe varus knees and TKA in knees with a mechanical axis 0+/-2 produced equivalent KSS (Knee Society Score) score. In patients with major varus deformation, especially in the case of a preoperative patella baja, the risk of patellar fracture could initiate a decline in patella resurfacing.
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