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Increased mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism: A population based study

Clinical Endocrinology Nov 03, 2018

Vadiveloo T, et al. - In this population-based study, researchers determined the mortality and morbidity for individuals with hypoparathyroidism vs the general population. For this investigation, patients identified with chronic hypoparathyroidism utilizing data-linkage from regional datasets were compared to five age- and sex-matched control individuals from the general population. Outcomes revealed that patients with hypoparathyroidism had an increased risk of epilepsy and cataracts but no increased fracture risk. It was also noted that only non-surgical hypoparathyroid patients had increased mortality, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, infection and mental illness. Findings suggested an association of renal failure and death with increasing serum calcium concentrations.

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