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Increased incidence of candidemia in a tertiary care hospital with the Covid‐19 pandemic

Mycoses Dec 11, 2020

Nucci M, Barreiros G, Guimarães LF, et al. - In view of the stable incidence of candidemia in the hospital over an 18-year period (1.3 episodes per 1,000 admissions), researchers conducted this investigation to report an increase in the incidence of candidemia since March 2020. This investigation was performed in Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho, a tertiary care university-affiliated public hospital located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The occurrence of candidemia was compared over two periods: from January 2019 to February 2020 (period 1), and from March to September 2020 (period 2). Forty-one episodes of candidemia were diagnosed, 16 in period 1 and 25 in period 2 (9 patients with Covid-19). Covid‐19 patients with candidemia were more likely to be under mechanical ventilation compared with non‐Covid‐19 patients. Data reported that the median number of monthly admissions in period 1 and 2 was 723 and 523, respectively. Two reasons can be attributed to the rise in the incidence of candidemia in the hospital: a decrease in the number of admissions (denominator) and the prevalence of candidemia in Covid-19 patients.

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