Increased hemoglobin A 1c time in range reduces adverse health outcomes in older adults with diabetes
Diabetes Care Jun 18, 2021
Prentice JC, Mohr DC, Zhang L, et al. - Since short- and long-term glycemic variability are risk factors for diabetes complications, however, there are no validated A1C target ranges or measures of A1C stability in older adults, researchers performed a retrospective observational study to assess the correlation of a patient-specific A1C variability measure, A1C time in range (A1C TIR), on major adverse outcomes. Patients were ≥ 65 years old, had diabetes, and underwent at least four A1C tests over a 3-year period. Participants in the study were 402,043 veterans (mean [SD] age 76.9 [5.7] years, 98.8% male). A1C TIR had a graded relationship with mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) during an average of 5.5 years of follow-up. Maintaining A1C levels within individualized target ranges in older adults with diabetes is associated with a lower risk of mortality and CVD.
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