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Incidence of white spot lesions among patients treated with clear aligners and traditional braces

The Angle Orthodontist Dec 21, 2018

Buschang PH, et al. - Authors analyzed 244 aligner cases and 206 subjects treated with traditional fixed braces to compare the proportion of white spot lesions (WSLs) among both the groups. They ascertained the pretreatment oral hygiene (OH), fluorosis, and WSLs, as well as changes in OH and WSLs during the treatment. They observed 1.2% of the aligner candidates emerged with WSLs and 26% of the traditionally treated cases with a higher incidence of involvement for the maxillary and canines than mandibular and incisor teeth. They calculated less risk of developing WSLs in aligners cases than subjects treated with traditional braces because of poor pretreatment OH, worsening of OH during treatment, preexisting WSLs, and longer treatment duration in subjects treated with traditional braces.
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