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Incidence of ESKD and mortality among children with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Oct 15, 2019

Parikh CR, Greenberg JH, McArthur E, et al. - Researchers analyzed children (n = 3,600) who underwent first surgery for congenital heart disease within 10 years of birth, to determine long-term ESKD and mortality during childhood in these participants examined in this observational, population-based cohort study carried out in Ontario, Canada, where citizens have universal access to health care services. They matched each case to 10 children from the general population similar in age, sex, index date, rurality, and neighborhood income. Deaths and reaching ESKD were reported in 140 (4%) and 52 (1%) children who had surgery for congenital heart disease, respectively, during a median follow-up of 5.9 years following surgical repair. Findings revealed a high risk of mortality and ESKD in children who had a surgical repair of congenital heart disease vs the general population. An increase in the risk of ESKD and mortality was noted with the severity of congenital heart disease, children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome had the highest risk.
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