Incidence of eclampsia and related complications across 10 low- and middle-resource geographical regions: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomized controlled trial
PLoS Medicine Apr 05, 2019
Vousden N, et al. - In this secondary analysis of a stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial, investigators estimated the relation of the incidence and properties of eclampsia to magnesium sulfate availability along with associated complications from hypertensive disorders of pregnancy across 10 low- and middle-income geographical areas in 8 countries. They observed 0.5% of women experiencing eclampsia, 6.9% of those died, whereas 15.9% of their babies died. They noted substantial variation, ranging from 0.20% to 1.42%, in eclampsia across various geographical areas. They emphasized the persistent inequality and inequity in healthcare for females with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
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