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Incidence of and risk factors for steroid response after cataract surgery in patients with and without glaucoma

Journal of Glaucoma Apr 08, 2021

Bojikian KD, Nobrega P, Roldan A, et al. - In this retrospective review, researchers sought to assess incidence and risk factors for topical steroid response after uneventful cataract surgery in patients with and without glaucoma. Between March 2007 and September 2016, consecutive patients with and without glaucoma and no prior incisional glaucoma surgery undergoing cataract surgery. They involved 472 eyes of 472 nonglaucoma patients and 191 eyes of 191 glaucoma patients. Despite the fact that glaucoma patients were 3.72 times more likely to have a steroid reaction after an uneventful cataract operation, the incidence of steroid response with prednisolone acetate 1% after phacoemulsification was relatively low in both nonglaucoma and glaucoma eyes. In both groups, steroid response was linked to longer AL and more preoperative drugs in glaucoma patients.

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