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Incidence of abnormal cervical and vaginal cytology among women over age 65 living with human immunodeficiency virus

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 09, 2019

Stewart KA, et al. - Researchers examined women living with human immunodeficiency virus over age 65 for the incidence of abnormal cervical and vaginal cytology results, with the goal to provide evidence for screening recommendations. Via performing retrospective chart review, they assessed 69 women who received gynecologic follow up in a county hospital system in Houston, TX between 2000 to 2018 and were eligible for inclusion. These 69 women had no history of abnormal cervical cytology; of these, 12 (17%) developed abnormal cytology results, including 3 (4%) showing high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. Observations thus revealed the development of HSIL/CIN 2+/VAIN 2+ in a relatively high proportion (4%) of women during the study period. Hence in line with current screening recommendations, they support continued routine Pap testing after the age of 65 in women with HIV.
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