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Incidence and risk factors of glaucoma following pediatric cataract surgery with primary implantation

American Journal of Ophthalmology Sep 22, 2020

Abdelmassih Y, Beaujeux P, Dureau P, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective, consecutive case series to determine the incidence and risk factors for glaucoma after pediatric cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Participants in the study were 136 children (199 eyes) who underwent pediatric cataract surgery before one year of age with a minimum of one-year follow-up. Multivariate analysis including the aforementioned variables indentified longer follow-up, reintervention and use of trypan blue as predictors for the development of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a common complication after pediatric cataract surgery. It appeared to have a bi-modal incidence. Risk factors for the development of glaucoma were reintervention, use of trypan blue and long follow-up.

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