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Incidence and risk factors for positive urine culture at the time of pediatric urologic surgery

International Urology and Nephrology Jun 02, 2018

Maccini MA, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers determined factors associated with positive intraoperative urine cultures in patients undergoing pediatric urologic surgery. They retrospectively studied the charts of patients of age 0–18 years from a single pediatric urologist with associated intraoperative urine culture results between 2008 and 2013. They also obtained information regarding possible risk factors of interest. They found an increased risk for positive intraoperative urine culture in patients with neurogenic bladder, prior positive urine culture, constipation, female gender, and urolithiasis. These data may be helpful in decision-making with respect to obtaining preoperative or intraoperative urine cultures in pediatric urology patients.
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