Incidence and recurrence rate of postpartum hemorrhage and manual removal of the placenta: A longitudinal linked national cohort study in The Netherlands
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 23, 2019
Ruiter L, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective national cohort study consisting of 359 737 women with two consecutive singleton deliveries in order to study the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and manual removal of the placenta and their recurrence rate in a subsequent pregnancy. Postpartum hemorrhage in the first pregnancy was reported for a total of 5.4% women and manual removal of the placenta was reported for 2.7% of women. Observations revealed increased risk for recurrence among women with a previous delivery complicated by postpartum hemorrhage or manual removal of the placenta. Women with deliveries beyond 32 weeks in the first pregnancy had the highest magnitude of this risk.
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