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Incidence and ocular features of pediatric myasthenias

American Journal of Ophthalmology Apr 04, 2019

Mansukhani SA, et al. - Authors examined the incidence, demographics, and ocular characteristics of children with myasthenia (n=364). They noted 0.12 and 0.23 per 100 000, the incidence of juvenile myasthenia gravis (JMG) and congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS), respectively. They observed 217 kids with juvenile myasthenia gravis (JMG), 141 with the congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS), whereas 1.7% of cases had Lambert-Eaton syndrome, diagnosed at a median age of 13.5, 5.1, and 12.6 years, respectively. They noted ocular involvement like ptosis and ocular movement deficits among most of the JMG and CMS subjects, ie, 90.3% and 85.1%, respectively. They recorded the improvement in 88.8% of JMG cases (complete remission in 31.3%) and 58.3% of candidates with CMS among children with at least 1 year of follow-up (JMG; median, 7.1 years, CMS; median, 7.0 years).
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