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Incidence and epidemiology of acute kidney injury in a pediatric Malawian trauma cohort: A prospective observational study

BMC Nephrology Mar 20, 2020

Bjornstad EC, Muronya W, Smith ZH, et al. - Researchers analyzed pediatric trauma patients admitted to a tertiary referral hospital in Malawi, in this prospective cohort study, to determine the epidemiology of pediatric, trauma-related acute kidney injury (AKI) in Africa. Data from 114 participants were studied. For AKI incidence, the estimated range was from 4 to 10%, depending on baseline creatinine definition. Death of almost one in ten children was reported during hospitalization, but a significantly higher risk of death was observed in those with AKI (n = 4) vs those without AKI. Most often burn injuries showed a link with AKI. Multiple injuries, trunk or facial injuries, and recent intake of herbal remedies were identified as other potential AKI risk factors. Overall, the occurrence of AKI was reported in up to 10% of admitted pediatric trauma patients in Malawi and the presence vs absence of AKI increased the risk of death by 7-folds.

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