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Incidence and baseline risk factors for pseudoexfoliation in Sweden: A long-term follow-up study

Acta Ophthalmologica Oct 09, 2019

Ekström C, et al. - In a defined population in Sweden, researchers estimated the incidence of pseudoexfoliation (PEX) and its associated risk factors. PEX development was analyzed in a cohort of 489 residents (aged 65 to 74 years), evaluated in a Tierp municipality population survey 1984–1986. In order to expand the sample size, 576 people were recruited from the Eye Department in Tierp in 1978–2007 using glaucoma case records. The cohort thus included 1,065 patients, comprising almost 10,500 at-risk person-years. One hundred seventy-nine new cases of PEX had been found by the end of the study in November 2018. The incidence of PEX was high in this study on a Swedish population. The only predictors found for PEX were increased age and female gender.
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