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In vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes in patients with resistant ovary syndrome and in patients with repeated deficient oocyte maturation

Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Sep 25, 2018

Galvão A, et al. - Researchers assessed the efficiency of in vitro maturation (IVM) in patients with repeated assisted reproductive technology failure due to resistant ovary syndrome or due to deficient oocyte maturation. They analyzed clinical and laboratory data obtained retrospectively from 28 patients who underwent 49 cycles of IVM between 2010 and 2017. Of these patients, 9 with resistant ovary syndrome underwent 24 IVM cycles and 19 patients with repeated deficient oocyte maturation underwent 25 IVM cycles. Outcomes suggested that IVM is a valuable approach for patients with resistant ovary syndrome. However, for patients with deficient oocyte maturation, it should not be recommended.

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