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In situ effect of arginine-containing dentifrice on plaque composition and on enamel demineralization under distinct cariogenic conditions

Caries Research May 11, 2018

Sanchez A.Y, et al. - Researchers evaluated the impact of arginine-containing fluoridated dentifrices (AFD) on enamel demineralization and on the microbial and biochemical compositions of biofilm formed under different frequencies of sucrose exposure. Findings suggested that at sucrose 8×/day exposure, a higher percentage of enamel surface hardness loss (%SHL), biomass, and insoluble extracellular polysaccharide (IEPS) and lower fluoride values were noted. In the presence of AFD, lower IEPS were found vs fluoridated dentifrices (FD). Between FD and AFD, similar %SHL, lesion depth (LD), and integrated mineral loss (IML) values were seen, irrespectively of the cariogenic challenge. Data demonstrated an anticaries effect of AFD similar to that of regular FD.
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