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In-hospital outcome of peripheral vascular intervention in dialysis-dependent end-stage renal disease patients

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Oct 28, 2019

Pacha HM, Al-khadra Y, Darmoch F, et al. - Researchers used weighted data from the 2002-2014 National Inpatient Sample database, to compare dialysis patients with those with normal kidney function with regard to the outcome of peripheral vascular intervention (PVI). This study included 1,186,192 patients who underwent PVI, of these, normal kidney function was detected in 1,066,830 (89.9%) and end-stage renal disease needing dialysis was detected in 119,362 (10.1%). They analyzed in-hospital outcomes by using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of critical limb ischemia was more in dialysis patients. Findings revealed higher rates of mortality and adverse outcomes in peripheral artery disease patients on dialysis who received PVI vs those with normal kidney function.
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