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In-hospital mortality for inpatient percutaneous coronary interventions in the United States

The American Journal of Cardiology Sep 12, 2021

Chang KY, et al. - Similar in-hospital mortality rates following inpatient percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were found between urban and rural hospitals in the United States. However, higher rates of in-hospital mortality post-PCI were evident in nonteaching hospitals among urban hospitals (adjusted odds ratio for teaching vs nonteaching hospitals: 1.17).

  • A substantially higher cardiovascular mortality is seen in rural communities vs urban.

  • Overall 80,793 unweighted hospitalizations for PCI were found from the National Inpatient Sample (2016).

  • For inpatient PCI, a total of 371,430 hospitalizations occurred; 108.9 (±2.2) admissions per 100,000 US population from urban hospitals and 152.9 (±6.3) from rural hospitals.

  • Among urban hospitals, 77.7 (±1.9) admissions per 100,000 US population occurred at teaching hospitals (71.7%) and 30.7 (±1.0) at urban nonteaching hospitals (28.3%).

  • No difference in in-hospital mortality was seen between urban and rural hospitals (1.8% urban vs 1.9% rural, adjusted odds ratio for rural vs urban: 1.15).

  • Solutions are required to address disparities for inpatient PCI results between teaching and nonteaching hospitals.

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