In-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation practices and outcomes in maintenance dialysis patients
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Feb 14, 2020
Starks MA, Wu J, Peterson ED, et al. - Researchers assessed processes of care as well as outcomes of in-hospital cardiac arrest for patients on maintenance dialysis vs nondialysis patients, utilizing the Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation (GWTG-R) registry. This study included 31,144 GWTG-R patients from 372 sites. Among these, patients receiving maintenance dialysis were 8,498 (27%) in total. The chance of having a shockable initial rhythm and being within the intensive care unit at the time of arrest was less among patients on maintenance dialysis vs nondialysis patients; those on maintenance dialysis also exhibited lower composite scores for resuscitation quality and had less chance of having defibrillation within 2 minutes. Following adjustment, experts noted similar adjusted odds of survival to discharge, better acute survival, and more likelihood of having a favorable neurologic status among those receiving maintenance dialysis vs nondialysis patients. For those receiving maintenance dialysis, there seem to be possibilities to enhance the quality of in-hospital cardiac arrest care.
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