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In‐hospital outcomes after transcatheter edge‐to‐edge mitral valve repair in patients with chronic kidney disease: An analysis from the 2010–2016 National Inpatient Sample

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Apr 20, 2021

Panchal HB, Stone GW, Saxena A, et al. - Researchers used the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database in this study to determine outcomes after transcatheter edge‐to‐edge mitral valve repair (TMVr) in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Participants were 9,228 patients who had TMVr during 2010–2016, including those with no or mild CKD, moderate or severe CKD and end‐stage renal disease on dialysis. In‐hospital mortality rose numerically as CKD severity increased, but did not statistically vary between groups. According to findings, the presence of associated comorbidities including CKD was commonly detected in high surgical risk patients with severe mitral regurgitation. Outcomes of TMVr seemed to worsen with worsening CKD, and thus, there is need for careful clinical case selection.

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