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Improving tumour budding evaluation in colon cancer by extending the assessment area in colectomy specimens

Histopathology Aug 12, 2019

Martinez-Ciarpaglini C, Fernandez-Sellers C, Tarazona N, et al. - In an exploratory series of 172 cases of colon cancer in all stages, researchers focused on the contributions of various factors to enhancing tumour budding risk stratification: increasing the number of fields counted, using cytokeratin immunostaining, and recording proliferation, the apoptotic index and the emperipoletic index in tumour buds. They used a second cohort of 158 stage I–II patients to analyze the survival likelihood. In colon cancer patients, a significantly improved budding grade risk stratification was achieved by counting in 10 fields. For challenging cases with an inflammatory infiltrate and/or striking fibrosis, cytokeratin immunostaining could be saved as a complementary technique.
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