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Improving polymethyl methacrylate resin using a novel titanium dioxide coating "submitted in part as a master's thesis to UIC College of Dentistry by Dr. Ghaith Darwish"

Journal of Prosthodontics Feb 11, 2019

Darwish G, et al. - Authors estimated the data in order to improvise the surface characteristics of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by developing a novel, thin film coating process and also to distinguish the resulting coated surface. They assessed the surface microbial interactions by evaluating Candida albicans biofilm attachment. They observed a successful deposition of nano-TiO2 coating (30 nm thick) on PMMA at 65°C. After coating, a decline in water contact angle from 70° to less than 5° was noticed. They noted a reduction in microorganism adhesion easier pathogen removal from PMMA. Hence, they proposed TiO2 coating for subjects who use dentures as it could influence their oral and systemic health positively.
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