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Improvement of dry mouth following intraductal irrigation of salivary glands

Oral Diseases Jul 12, 2019

Aframian DJ, et al. - Via retrospectively analyzing the medical records of 74 patients [mean age: 59.08±12.46 years], researchers evaluated the impact of major salivary gland intraductal irrigations (IG) to relieve mouth dryness. Following the IG procedure (yes/no), subjective improvement and sustained subjective improvement (mouth dryness relief for ≥1 month) were recorded. By comparing the mean unstimulated (USF) and stimulated (SSF) whole salivary flow (WSF) rate before and after the IG, objective improvement was evaluated. In the USF, but not in the SSF, an improvement was detected. Subjective improvement was positively linked to the USF following IG, salivary gland swelling episodes and with difficulties in swallowing dry foods. Overall, the authors concluded that major salivary IG glands is a simple and safe procedure that can relieve dry mouth for a relatively long period of time.
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