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Improved tear film stability in patients with dry eye after hyaluronic acid and galactoxyloglucan use

Clinical Ophthalmology Apr 30, 2020

Molina-Solana P, Domínguez-Serrano FB, Garrido-Hermosilla AM, et al. - In this first prospective longitudinal, single-arm interventional cohort study, researchers ascertained if a preservative-free combination of 0.4% hyaluronic acid and 0.2% galactoxyloglucan can improve dry eye using the new topographer, Keratograph 5M. This investigation was conducted at a tertiary referral center and involved 20 individuals with dry eye (40 eyes). Preservative-free artificial tears were administered every 3 hours. Study participants had clinical and instrumental assessments at baseline, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after instillation and 1 week and 1 month after treatment. After 1 month of preservative-free 0.4% hyaluronic acid and 0.2% galactoxyloglucan treatment, the signs and symptoms improved. A combination of 0.4% hyaluronic acid and 0.2% galactoxyloglucan artificial tears is beneficial in the treatment of dry eye. During the follow-up period, keratograph 5M can objectively detect these changes. No adverse effects related to the procedure were found.

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