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Improved outcome and earlier return to activity after suture tape augmentation vs broström repair for chronic lateral ankle instability: A systematic review

Arthroscopy Jul 29, 2021

Wittig U, Hohenberger G, Ornig M, et al. - This study attempted to ascertain if the use of suture tape augmentation would lead to improved clinical outcomes, increased stability, shorter postoperative immobilization, and earlier return to activity and sports compared with Broström repair in surgical treatment of chronic lateral ankle instability. Researchers conducted a systematic literature search using Pubmed and Embase according to PRISMA guidelines. They used the following search terms: ankle instability, suture tape, fiber tape, and internal brace. The results showed that the suture tape augmentation demonstrated excellent results and is a safe technique comparable to traditional Broström repair. There were no major differences regarding clinical and radiologic outcomes or complications.

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