Improved control of secondary hyperparathyroidism in hemodialysis patients switching from oral cinacalcet to intravenous etelcalcetide, especially in nonadherent patients
Blood Purification Feb 02, 2019
Xipell M, et al. - In this prospective observational study, researchers compared etelcalcetide (a novel second-generation calcimimetic) to cinacalcet as a treatment option for secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in 29 patients under hemodialysis. These patients switched from cinacalcet to etelcalcetide and were followed-up for 6 months. No clinical intolerance or new adverse effects were evident after the switch of treatment. A better efficacy was displayed by etelcalcetide vs cinacalcet in controlling intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH). The former caused an overall decrease in iPTH levels that was significant from the second month. A marked attenuation in calcium and iPTH was observed during follow-up with etelcalcetide among patients who were nonadherent to cinacalcet (38%). A trend to lower iPTH levels was observed in the adherent group (62%), which reached statistical significance after 5 months of follow-up. Overall, the findings were suggestive of superior efficacy of etelcalcetide in this patient population.
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