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Importance of frequency and morphological characteristics of nodular diabetic glomerulosclerosis in diabetic nephropathy

Human Pathology Feb 08, 2018

Yasuda F, et al. - Using the Renal Pathology Society (RPS) 2010 classification, the renal structural-functional relationships were comprehensively analyzed in diabetic nephropathy (DN) cases. Additionally, experts contemplated the significance of the percentage of glomeruli with nodular diabetic glomerulosclerosis and their morphological characteristics (cellular, cellular and extracellular matrix [ECM] or ECM types) in the pathology of DN. It was deduced that the RPS 2010 classification was beneficial as a DN pathological classification which was suggestive of a good association with the clinical characteristics of DN. It was also determined that the frequency and morphological features of nodular diabetic glomerulosclerosis were vital for the analysis of the pathology in DN.
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