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Implications of early decline in eGFR due to intensive BP control for cardiovascular outcomes in SPRINT

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jul 26, 2019

Beddhu S, et al. - Risks of mortality and major cardiovascular events in individuals with elevated cardiovascular disease risk were shown to be reduced with intensive vs standard systolic BP control (targeting <120 or <140 mm Hg, respectively) in the Systolic BP Intervention Trial (SPRINT) but a link between the intensive intervention and an early decline in eGFR was seen, so researchers performed this post hoc analysis of SPRINT to assess the impact of this change in eGFR on cardiovascular events. A ≥20% eGFR decline was seen in around 10.3% of the 4,270 participants in the intensive group vs 4.4% of the 4,256 participants in the standard group. Findings revealed that a greater early decline in eGFR was caused by intensive systolic BP lowering but no evidence suggested that the beneficial impacts of this intervention on cardiovascular events or all-cause mortality were reduced on account of reduction in eGFR by intensive systolic BP lowering.

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