Implant survival rates and biologic complications with implant-supported fixed complete dental prostheses: A retrospective study with up to 12-year follow-up
Clinical Oral Implants Research Aug 17, 2018
Papaspyridakos P, et al. - Researchers evaluated the rate of biologic complications and implant survival in edentulous patients treated with implant-supported fixed complete dental prostheses (IFCDPs) following a mean observation period of 5.2 years (range: 1–12 years). They achieved implant survival rate of 98.7% after a mean exposure time of 5.2 years postdefinitive prosthesis insertion (range: 1–12 years), implant survival rate of 98.7%. In three patients, the six implant failures occurred after 5 years and affected the prosthesis survival. The most frequent minor biologic complication was soft tissue recession, whereas the most frequent major biologic complication was peri-implantitis. Experts noted a 10-year implant-based mucosal recession rate of 77% (95% CI: 68.2–87.9) and a 10-year implant-based peri-implantitis rate of 20% (95% CI: 16.9–24.9).
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