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Impaired retinal vessel dilation predicts mortality in end-stage renal disease

Circulation Research Apr 06, 2019

Günthner R, et al. - In the multicenter prospective observational ISAR (Risk Stratification in End-Stage Renal Disease) study, researchers examined the predictive value of the retinal microvascular function for all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Data on dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA) was available in a sub-cohort of 214 dialysis patients. Analysis yielded the first evidence suggesting a strong and independent predictive value of impaired retinal venular dilation for all-cause mortality in hemodialyzed ESRD patients. For the prediction of all-cause mortality, dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA) provides added value. Furthermore, it is suggested to be a valuable novel diagnostic tool to improve CV risk stratification in ESRD and other high-risk CV cohorts.
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