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Impaired function and altered morphology in the skeletal muscles of adult men and women with type 1 diabetes

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism May 02, 2021

Dial AG, Monaco CMF, Grafham GK, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for examining skeletal muscle function and morphology across the adult lifespan in those with and without type 1 diabetes (T1D). Study participants underwent maximal contraction (MVC) testing, resting muscle biopsy and venous blood sampling. Sixty-five healthy adult (18-78 years old) men/males and women/females [T1D=34; control=31] matched for age/biological sex/BMI/self-reported physical activity levels were involved. MVC declined faster in T1D patients after 35 years of age (‘older adults') than in controls. Such findings suggest that T1D patients have impairments in skeletal muscle function and morphology. After the age of 35, the decline in strength with T1D accelerates, possibly explaining the earlier onset of frailty that characterizes those with diabetes.

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