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Impact of treatment with glibenclamide or vildagliptin on glucose variability after aerobic exercise in type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Jul 16, 2018

Fofonka A, et al. - A randomized controlled trial was performed to assess the glycemic variability, oxidative stress, metabolic and cardiovascular responses after an aerobic exercise session in patients on treatment with metformin plus vildagliptin or glibenclamide. During and after a 30 minute aerobic exercise session, glucose variability, oxidative stress, metabolic and cardiovascular responses were evaluated at rest. Data reported that lower blood pressure variability was seen in patients receiving vildagliptin besides improvement in glycemic control and reduction of systolic blood pressure (SBP) obtained by both treatments. It was noted that glucose variability remained unaffected by both interventions and the exercise session.
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