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Impact of transvenous cardiac implantable electronic devices in chronic hemodialysis patients: A single-center, observational comparative study

BMC Nephrology Oct 25, 2018

Jeong S, et al. - Among chronic hemodialysis patients, researchers assessed the outcomes and arteriovenous vascular access (VA) patency in those who had a transvenous cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) placement. Participants were 42 consecutive patients who had both CIED placement and upper-extremity VA for hemodialysis in this single-center, observational comparative study. They retrospectively compared patients with ipsilateral and contralateral CIED and VA. They looked for any-cause mortality and cardiac mortality or the composite of any systemic complications, any device infections or tricuspid regurgitation (all considered as primary outcome). With regard to any-cause mortality incidence and VA patency, no differences were seen between the 2 groups. Among patients with ipsilateral vs contralateral CIED and VA, a significantly higher incidence of the primary outcome was observed.

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