Impact of timing of delivery on maternal and neonatal outcomes for women after three previous caesarean deliveries; A secondary analysis of the caesarean section registry
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Apr 01, 2019
Breslin N, et al. - Researchers performed secondary analysis of a prospective registry of cesarean deliveries (CD) at 19 US academic centres from 1999 to 2002 to examine the correlation of early-term delivery with maternal and neonatal morbidity for women with three previous CD. They included 821 women. They noted maternal morbidity composite in 9.86% and neonatal morbidity in 10.5%. Observations revealed no increase in adverse maternal outcomes in correlation to increasing gestational age beyond 37 weeks in women with three previous CDs. However, higher neonatal morbidity was observed with early term elective repeat CDs. The findings support the safety of performing elective delivery of women with three previous CD at 39 weeks of gestation when there are no maternal or fetal indications for early term delivery.
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