Impact of salt taste dysfunction on interdialytic weight gain for hemodialysis patients: A cross-sectional study
BMC Nephrology Apr 11, 2019
Tanaka M, et al. - In this single-center cross-sectional study comprising 99 maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients, researchers determined the prevalence of salt taste dysfunction as well as its connection with interdialytic weight gain (IDWG). They used a salt-impregnated test strip to determine salt taste threshold. A recognition threshold of ≥0.8% defined salt taste dysfunction. The link between salt taste dysfunction and IDWG was assessed via a multivariate analysis using the standard linear regression model. Among HD patients who had a unique distribution of salt taste recognition thresholds with two peaks, a very high prevalence of salt taste dysfunction was reported. Findings revealed no significant link between salt taste dysfunction and IDWG.
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