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Impact of renal allograft nephrectomy on graft and patient survival following retransplantation: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Apr 08, 2018

Lin J, et al. - The effect of allograft nephrectomy (AN) and no-AN (No AN) on renal retransplantation was determined using data from observational studies or randomized controlled trials. A total of 13 studies with 1923 patients were analyzed. A significantly higher 3-year graft survival rate and 5-year graft survival rate was observed in the No-AN group vs the AN group. The AN group had significantly higher rates of 5-year patient survival, positive panel reactive antibody, acute rejection (AR) and delayed graft dysfunction. Unless the need for surgery is dictated by symptoms, allowing the failed graft to remain was recommended. For improved long-term outcome of retransplantation, donor-specific antibody dynamic monitoring and better human leukocyte antigen matching were suggested.
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