Impact of previous abdominal surgery on the outcome of laparoscopy assisted open appendicovesicostomy (Mitrofanoff) creation in children: A comparative study
Journal of Pediatric Urology Sep 13, 2019
Kim JK, Chua ME, Ming JM, et al. - Researchers examined if perioperative outcomes of the laparoscopic-assisted Mitrofanoff procedure in children are affected by previous abdominal surgery (PAS). Via performing an REB approved retrospective review, they included 34 patients (15 no PAS and 19 PAS) in the analysis. The PAS and no PAS groups displayed similar perioperative outcomes of operative time, estimated blood loss and hospital stay. In addition, no statistical difference was evident in complications requiring surgical intervention (n = 3, 20.0%; n = 9, 47.4%). Findings thereby support using a minimally invasive approach in this patient population as it is feasible, comparable, and safe but with provision for careful consideration of risk factors that may predispose PAS patients to post-surgical complications requiring intervention.
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