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Impact of perioperative tachydysrhythmias on mortality and length of stay in complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot: A multicenter retrospective cohort study from the Pediatric Health Information System

Cardiology Mar 23, 2021

Ahmed A, Prodhan P, Spray BJ, et al. - Researchers utilized a multicentre database to determine the links between tachydysrhythmias (TDS) and mortality and morbidity following repair of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). From the Pediatric Health Information System, they selected all children aged 0–5 years who had TOF repair between 2004 and 2015. Eligible patients were 7,749 in total, of these, 1,493 (19%) had codes for TDS. Following complete repair of TOF, there was no link between TDS and mortality and it appeared that TDS had only a modest impact on length of stay (LOS). TDS were identified to be related to 1.1 days longer LOS and were responsible for 2% of the variation noted in LOS.

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