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Impact of oral antibiotic treatment for chronic endometritis on pregnancy outcomes in the following frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles of infertile women: A cohort study of 640 embryo transfer cycles

Fertility and Sterility Apr 29, 2021

Xiong Y, Chen Q, Chen C, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective study to examine the therapeutic impact of antibiotic treatment on pregnancy outcomes in the following frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles of infertile women. In total, 640 women were involved. Findings suggested that CD138+ cells per high-power field (CD138+/HPF) ≤ 4 in the endometrium had no negative effect on pregnancy outcomes. Antibiotic therapy was found to be an effective way to improve the reproductive outcomes of women with CD138+/HPF ≥ 5. Persistent chronic endometritis was linked to worse pregnancy outcomes.

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