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Impact of obesity on the orgotten joint score following total hip arthroplasty

Journal of Arthroplasty Oct 22, 2020

Singh V, Yeroushalmi D, Lygrisse K, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to identify the correlation of body mass index (BMI) on postoperative Forgotten Joint Score-12 (FJS-12) in patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty (THA). They retrospectively reviewed 2,130 patients at a single urban, academic, tertiary institution who had primary THA from 2016-2020 with available postoperative FJS-12 scores. Of the 2,130 patients involved, 1,378 were non-obese, and 752 were obese. Although obesity trended towards lower FJS-12 scores, there was no statistically significant difference in scores relative to non-obese patients. BMI did not affect overall FJS-12 scores, but obese patients achieved significantly lower statistical progress over the first 2-years, though this may not be clinically significant.

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