Impact of nutritional vitamin D supplementation on parathyroid hormone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease: A meta- analysis
Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 12, 2021
Bover J, Gunnarsson J, Csomor P, et al. - Researchers investigated how secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT)-related biomarkers could be impacted by nutritional vitamin D (NVD) (cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol). PubMed was explored to select relevant randomized control trials. To pool study level outcomes, experts used fixed and random effects models. Impacts were examined within NVD study arms and in comparison with control groups (placebo/no treatment); the former in order to determine the impact of actively changing biomarkers concentrations. According to findings, a rise in 25(OH)D (vitamin D) can be achieved to a certain extent by supplementation with NVD, while there was limited potential of NVD to actively decrease parathyroid hormone in ND-CKD (chronic kidney disease) patients with SHPT.
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